The first Green Hornet trailer video and photo stills from the upcoming movie have finally been released from Columbia Pictures. Starring Seth Rogen, Jay Chou and Cameron Diaz, the Michel Gondry helmed Green Hornet movie looks intriguing, but we’re worried the cheese factor could possibly be a bit too high…
Seth Rogen is known for his comedic roles in films like Superbad, Pineapple Express and Observe and Report. Seeing him as a superhero type is a bit odd, but kind of works – in the trailer at least. The Green Hornet trailer video doesn’t give us a lot, but we think we could get into the whole action/comedy nature of the film. There certainly are plenty of explosions and fight scenes to keep things rolling along. As long as they can keep the movie from tipping over into pure ridiculousness with the comedic side of things.
Seth Rogen told the Green Hornet movie has absolutely nothing to do with the comic books, which is probably a good thing. The Green Hornet was never the most popular comic hero and his storylines were overwhelmingly silly in our opinion.
We aren’t quite sure yet how Seth Rogen will fair as a superhero (Green Hornet Britt Reid) and we’re kind of sick of Cameron Diaz (Britt’s secretary Lenore Case), but we absolutely love Jay Chou as sidekick/brainy guy Kato.
The Green Hornet is set for release on January 14, 2001 in 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D.
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